Bob Proctor endorses our Coaching and Training

April 13, 2009 0 comments

Bob Proctor is quick to tell you “show me what you want and I’ll show you how to get it.” And after years of extensive study and training with Bob, we are pleased and confident to tell our coaching clients the same.

I began to study “The Science of Getting Rich” (written by Wallace D. Wattles in 1910) with Bob Proctor about 13 years ago. Bob is the Author of “You Were Born Rich.” He has the leading role in the movie “The Secret” and in the soon-to-be-released movie “Beyond The Secret.”

In 1990, I was introduced to the book Think and Grow Rich, written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill after studying the lives of 500 of the richest men in the country. And just like The Law of Attraction works – I was led to Bob Proctor 6 years later. Bob has been studying this book (Think and Grow Rich) for over 40 years now.

The Law of Attraction is a secondary law to the Law of Vibration. Everything in this universe is energy and everything is in constant movement- it’s constantly “vibrating.”

The Law of Attraction and expectation work together. You can increase the Law of Attraction through concentration. Concentration increases the levels of vibration. Focus on the good that you desire “in the present tense.” In other words, if you want to earn $250,000 in income this year, you should say to yourself “I earn $250,000” instead “I want to earn $250,000.”

Feeling is conscious awareness of vibration. If someone is starring at you, you feel it, you know it, because of their “concentration.” There is a time-line in reaching a goal, we can shorten that time through concentration. In “1910” Wattles wrote in the Science of Getting Rich to “focus on what you want REGARDLESS OF APPEARANCES.”

The secret to receiving the results you desire is always locked in the Law of Attraction. We help our clients understand how to get in harmonious vibration with the good they desire, then how to stay in that positive vibration so they begin to attract whatever they desire to move into form.

“Any idea that is held in the mind that is either feared or revered will begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate physical forms available.” - Andrew Carnegie

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