Welcome to the Improve Life Results blog!
January 13, 2009 Labels: LifeSuccess Consultants, The Secret 0 commentsIf you are one of the millions of people who have watched The Secret, then you know about this universal law – "The Law of Attraction." I don’t mean physical attraction. I mean attracting what you want in every important area of your life.
So, the question is: Why is it that “maybe” your results have not changed even after watching this movie?
This is the purpose of this blog. To share with you exactly how it works in simple, easy to understand ways. It’s also to attempt to convince you that YOU have infinite potential to be, do and have whatever it is you want. That is – if you know what you want.
As LifeSuccess Consultants and partners with Bob Proctor, (of the Secret) it is our personal mission to share, inspire and to teach people how to get the results they want in their life. If you have not watched The Secret, you may want to stop right here and go to www.thesecret.tv, download it and listen to it or go to your local book store and buy the dvd and watch it now.
Because of the first law of learning is repetition – I believe you should just own the DVD so that you can watch it over and over and over again. The Secret makes you aware of this wonderful law (Law of Attraction), and gives you some basic fundamentals and it leaves you with a lot of questions – like “how do I do this?" We will guide you well beyond The Secret.
The thought that you can actually attract what you want in your life may be a new idea or may even sound bizarre. You may be thinking – "yeah, right, I can attract what I want – ha!" That’s okay, I understand why you would say that. At first, when we don’t understand something or don’t know about it, it is natural for human beings to discard it, maybe even criticize it, it’s normal. It’s how we’ve been conditioned. However, for sure, it’s like the law of gravity, it works whether you believe it or not.
Get ready for an exciting journey with us via this blog. I want to invite you to stay connected with us through this blog. I promise you that I will share with you exactly how to get the results you want in your life. And I guarantee you that this information will be easy to comprehend. As you begin to apply some of the simple methods we will share with you from week to week, and you begin to get some results, please share them with us. You WILL begin to experience some phenomenal results.You’ll see!
It’s been said that SUCCESS comes to those who become SUCCESS CONSCIOUS and that failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become FAILURE CONSCIOUS. You, already, by beginning to follow this have become SUCCESS CONSCIOUS.
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