How's your Vision?
February 21, 2009 Labels: The Secret, Vision 0 commentsWebster's Dictionary defines VISION as: "A vivid mental image -- the power of imagination."
Read this again - real sloooooooooooow: A VIVID MENTAL IMAGE.
And it defines VIVID as: "Evoking lifelike images within the mind, having the clarity and freshness of immediate experience."
Our creator has given us the ability to use our IMAGINATION!
Children are very good at this. They can imagine easily, and sadly enough, they get punished if they are "day dreaming." What a sad thing to teach a little person, to stop IMAGINING.
Take a look around you, EVERYTHING that's around you, the computer, the chair, your clothes, the soft, beautiful music I'm listening to now, EVERYTHING has been created twice. It was first created in someone's mind, through the power of their imagination. They saw it before anyone else did. It was vivid.The Secret movie has sold over seven million copies and it was through viral marketing, just word of mouth, no advertising. This movie has been so popular because it describes the Law of Attraction. That whatever you give your energy to, whatever you focus on, you will attract into you life, good or bad.
And while this is so true, there's more to the story.
I often say you can imagine yourself skinny, cut out the pictures of that skinny person, and place it on your bathroom mirror and even cut a picture of your face and put it on that body, but you will not be at your ideal weight by overeating in front of your TV everyday. It's not going to happen! You must take action. There are certain habits you will need to replace with new ones. However, you must IMAGINE yourself at your ideal weight in addition to taking certain action steps.
This is true with everything else in your life -- with your financial situation, your relationships, etc. Begin to use the power of your imagination to see things the way you want to see them, take action steps toward your goal, and only SEE your objective through your imagination and watch how it will begin to unfold.
"If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace." -- Yogi Berra (National Baseball Hall of Fame)
"The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision." -- Helen Keller (who was blind).We recently visited Bok Tower in Lake Wales, Florida. It was built in 1929 by Edward W. Bok who would spend his winters in the Mountain Lake Community which is located adjacent to the highest point in the peninsula, 298 feet above sea level. It was beautiful! And what a spectacular building it is.
Mr. Bok wanted to preserve that hilltop and create a bird sanctuary, a place of beauty, serenity and peace -- and it's all that and more. As we were listening to a tour guide, and we were admiring this magnificent monument, someone standing next to us asked, "Why would he build that back then when there was nobody here to see it?" This was someone who did not understand "vision." Mr. Bok knew that this would be standing for many years, and he wanted it to be enjoyed by people for many years to come. Go see it -- you will be glad you did!
In the early 1900s, James Allen, in his book, "As a Man Thinketh," wrote:
"Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil."
Your imagination is a gift. Use it wisely.
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