4 Steps to Developing Persistence

April 23, 2009 0 comments

I wanted very much to write something “brilliant” about Persistence. Something that would encourage and inspire people to take action, to stay with it, to accept the failures that we get and keep their chin up and be grateful for the experience – NO MATTER WHAT! And the more I studied, and read, and thought about it, the more I realize that I had to just post EXACTLY what Napoleon Hill wrote “72 years ago” and it’s this:

“There are four simple steps which lead to the habit of PERSISTENCE. They call for no great amount of intelligence, no particular amount of education, and but little time or effort. The necessary steps are:

1) A DEFINITE PURPOSE backed by a "BURNING" DEFINITE DESIRE for its fulfillment.


3) A MIND CLOSED TIGHTLY AGAINST ALL NEGATIVE AND DISCOURAGING INFLUENCES, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances.


From the Book: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – in the Chapter of PERSISTENCE.

This is one of Steve’s favorite chapters in the book.

Notice that the #1 step is not about doing more, working harder, it’s not about even doing “anything at all.” He says that the very first step is to have a DEFINITE PURPOSE, and then he says BACKED BY A “BURNING” DESIRE. If you do not have a definite purpose, something you are working toward, you are more than likely filling your days with “stuff” busy, busy, busy, working all kinds of hours, going home tired and saying you worked hard all day. Now, I’m not saying you are not working on important things – I’m sure you are. Are you farther ahead then you were last year, 3, 5 10 years ago? If not, what’s going to change? Working harder is not going to do it. Has it by now?

I am challenging you to think about WHAT DO YOU WANT? What do you REALLY WANT? When you decide what you want, and you FALL IN LOVE with that idea, then it has to become a “burning desire.” It has to become an OBSESSION.

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines obsession as this: “a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling; a compelling motivation.”

Obsession is one of those words that it’s used, more often than not, to describe something negative. Like “he’s obsessed with, she has an obsession about . . .” you can fill in the blank. The dictionary even says it’s a “disturbing” preoccupation. THINK about it – how can deciding on a goal you want be a DISTURBING thought. Make up YOUR OWN MIND (you have a choice to do this). I choose to focus on this definition “a compelling motivation.” YEAH!!!

When you are in love with an idea, you need to be OBSESSED with it. Your goal, idea, purpose is what will MOTIVATE you to take ACTION even when your family, friends, co-workers think you are crazy or you are not being reasonable. (Oh, that’s another word we’ll talk about later “reasonable.”)

Of course, your goal can’t be something that will hurt anyone; you want to also keep balance in your life (or at least attempt to). Falling in love with your goal, does NOT MEAN you have to spend all your waking hours on it. Napoleon Hill also wrote, in the chapter of IMAGINATION – “If you are one of those who believe that hard work and honesty alone will bring you riches, perish the thought! It is not true! Riches, when they come in huge quantities, are never the result of HARD work! Riches come, if they come at all, in response to definite demands, based upon the application of definite principles, and not by chance or luck.”

If this is a new belief for you, I recognize that it may be “uncomfortable.” Your mom and/or dad taught you that to get ahead you have to “work hard.” That’s what they did. Look around you, there are a lot of people working very hard, and they are not living the life they would like to live. What’s sad is, most people haven’t given it a second thought of the life they’d like live.

So, even though my intent was to write about PERSISTENCE, this article is more about WHAT DO YOU WANT? If you have been too busy working hard, take some time out TODAY – do it now – don’t put this off (procrastinate), take your lunch hour, or take a break, don’t look at your e-mail, or facebook, or whatever it is you do that is not necessary right now, and start to write down “what do I really want?” You don’t have to show this to anyone. What do you want? Give yourself permission to dream.

You DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT, now you have something to be PERSISTENT about.

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From Beyond the Secret, meet Christian Simpson!

April 22, 2009 0 comments

The movie "Beyond The Secret" will be a sequel of "The Secret", a 2006 documentary that describes how to live a joyful, fulfilled life. The Secret, as described in this documentary is THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.

In the movie "Beyond the Secret," experts in this field such as Paul Martinelli, Les Brown, Bob Proctor, Steve Siebold, Marcia Weider, Mary Mann Morrissey, Mark Moffit, Christian Simpson and the creator of this movie, Holli Walker, explain HOW the Law Attraction really works.

People often quote the Bible, the book of Proverbs 23:7 "As a Man Thinketh in his heart so is he." Others quote Napoleon Hill, who wrote the classic book "Think and Grow Rich" in 1937, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Yet, if it's just thinking and believing that makes the difference, why are so many people not getting, or attracting what they want? Why are the attracting more of what they don't want?

That's what makes "Beyond The Secret" and its teachers so special. All those questions you have about this subject, will be answered in Beyond The Secret.

It will begin to make sense and you will be able to apply some of the ideas these experts will share.

Steve and I teach and coach individuals in how to improve the results they are getting in any area of their life they want. We are LifeSuccess Consultants along with Christian, Holli, under the leadership of Bob Proctor and Paul Martinelli.

For information on individual or group coaching, we can be reached at 863-385-3101.

Click here for a free complimentary coaching session with Jeanny

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The Law of Attraction

April 19, 2009 0 comments

. . . we've all heard of it right? Well, most of us. Especially if you have watched the movie The Secret. If you haven't watched it - GO GET IT! Watch it this week with your family, no matter how young they are.

The Law of Attraction is a secondary law to the Law of Vibration.

Everything in this world is made of ENERGY. Energy is vibration and EVERYTHING that exists vibrates, from this lap tap, to the wall, to you, to your THOUGHTS. EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want to know how to change the RESULTS you are getting in your life to be EXACTLY the way you want them to be - then you better get familiar with THE LAW OF VIBRATION.

The electromagnetic vibrations you send out every split second are bringing you EVERYTHING into your life, big, small, good or bad - there are NO EXCEPTIONS.

I have to admit, this is a big pill to swallow as we have not been raised with this belief. And you know what they say about teaching an old dog. . . There you go . . . that's a belief that does not serve us.

In her book (which I looooove) "EXCUSE ME YOUR LIFE IS WAITING," Lynn Grabhorn wrote: ". . . because the vibrational waves (emotions) we send out are magnetically charged, we are literally walking magnets, constantly pulling back into our world anything that just happens to be playing on the same frequency or wavelength."

". . . when we're feeling up, filled with joy and gratitude, our emotions are sending out high FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS that will magnetize only good stuff back to us, meaning anything with the same high vibratory frequency that matches what we're sending out. Like attracts like."

"On the other hand, when we're experiencing anything that joy isn't, such as fear, worry, built, or even mild concern, those emotions are sending out low-frequency vibrations."

"Cruddy out, cruddy back; it's always a vibrational match."

I recognize that maybe this is a "new idea" to most of you. And for some of you it is not. And a lot of you as you are reading are thinking to yourself "I KNOW THAT." Ok, so if you KNOW THAT, what are the RESULTS you are getting in your life, financially, with your health, relationships?

I'm suggesting that it is NOT IN THE KNOWING but in the actual doing. Just think about that.

Do whatever you have to do to get in a good vibration. Get a puppy if you have to (well, only I would suggest something like that :-)) Rent/buy funny movies, go watch a sunset, if it's raining where you are, think ONLY how beautiful that rain is, make a list of what you are grateful for, recall good memories - whatever it takes. Tell your honey your love him/her; if that's too difficult for you to do as you have not made a habit of saying that - give them a SMILE instead of a frown.

Go out and FEEEEEEEEEEEL good today.

Click here for a free complimentary coaching session with Jeanny

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Bob Proctor endorses our Coaching and Training

April 13, 2009 0 comments

Bob Proctor is quick to tell you “show me what you want and I’ll show you how to get it.” And after years of extensive study and training with Bob, we are pleased and confident to tell our coaching clients the same.

I began to study “The Science of Getting Rich” (written by Wallace D. Wattles in 1910) with Bob Proctor about 13 years ago. Bob is the Author of “You Were Born Rich.” He has the leading role in the movie “The Secret” and in the soon-to-be-released movie “Beyond The Secret.”

In 1990, I was introduced to the book Think and Grow Rich, written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill after studying the lives of 500 of the richest men in the country. And just like The Law of Attraction works – I was led to Bob Proctor 6 years later. Bob has been studying this book (Think and Grow Rich) for over 40 years now.

The Law of Attraction is a secondary law to the Law of Vibration. Everything in this universe is energy and everything is in constant movement- it’s constantly “vibrating.”

The Law of Attraction and expectation work together. You can increase the Law of Attraction through concentration. Concentration increases the levels of vibration. Focus on the good that you desire “in the present tense.” In other words, if you want to earn $250,000 in income this year, you should say to yourself “I earn $250,000” instead “I want to earn $250,000.”

Feeling is conscious awareness of vibration. If someone is starring at you, you feel it, you know it, because of their “concentration.” There is a time-line in reaching a goal, we can shorten that time through concentration. In “1910” Wattles wrote in the Science of Getting Rich to “focus on what you want REGARDLESS OF APPEARANCES.”

The secret to receiving the results you desire is always locked in the Law of Attraction. We help our clients understand how to get in harmonious vibration with the good they desire, then how to stay in that positive vibration so they begin to attract whatever they desire to move into form.

“Any idea that is held in the mind that is either feared or revered will begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate physical forms available.” - Andrew Carnegie

Click here for a free complimentary coaching session with Jeanny

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