The Law of Attraction
April 19, 2009 Labels: Law of Attraction 0 comments. . . we've all heard of it right? Well, most of us. Especially if you have watched the movie The Secret. If you haven't watched it - GO GET IT! Watch it this week with your family, no matter how young they are.
The Law of Attraction is a secondary law to the Law of Vibration.
Everything in this world is made of ENERGY. Energy is vibration and EVERYTHING that exists vibrates, from this lap tap, to the wall, to you, to your THOUGHTS. EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want to know how to change the RESULTS you are getting in your life to be EXACTLY the way you want them to be - then you better get familiar with THE LAW OF VIBRATION.
The electromagnetic vibrations you send out every split second are bringing you EVERYTHING into your life, big, small, good or bad - there are NO EXCEPTIONS.
I have to admit, this is a big pill to swallow as we have not been raised with this belief. And you know what they say about teaching an old dog. . . There you go . . . that's a belief that does not serve us.
In her book (which I looooove) "EXCUSE ME YOUR LIFE IS WAITING," Lynn Grabhorn wrote: ". . . because the vibrational waves (emotions) we send out are magnetically charged, we are literally walking magnets, constantly pulling back into our world anything that just happens to be playing on the same frequency or wavelength."
". . . when we're feeling up, filled with joy and gratitude, our emotions are sending out high FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS that will magnetize only good stuff back to us, meaning anything with the same high vibratory frequency that matches what we're sending out. Like attracts like."
"On the other hand, when we're experiencing anything that joy isn't, such as fear, worry, built, or even mild concern, those emotions are sending out low-frequency vibrations."
"Cruddy out, cruddy back; it's always a vibrational match."
I recognize that maybe this is a "new idea" to most of you. And for some of you it is not. And a lot of you as you are reading are thinking to yourself "I KNOW THAT." Ok, so if you KNOW THAT, what are the RESULTS you are getting in your life, financially, with your health, relationships?
I'm suggesting that it is NOT IN THE KNOWING but in the actual doing. Just think about that.
Do whatever you have to do to get in a good vibration. Get a puppy if you have to (well, only I would suggest something like that :-)) Rent/buy funny movies, go watch a sunset, if it's raining where you are, think ONLY how beautiful that rain is, make a list of what you are grateful for, recall good memories - whatever it takes. Tell your honey your love him/her; if that's too difficult for you to do as you have not made a habit of saying that - give them a SMILE instead of a frown.
Go out and FEEEEEEEEEEEL good today.
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