From Beyond the Secret, meet Christian Simpson!

April 22, 2009 0 comments

The movie "Beyond The Secret" will be a sequel of "The Secret", a 2006 documentary that describes how to live a joyful, fulfilled life. The Secret, as described in this documentary is THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.

In the movie "Beyond the Secret," experts in this field such as Paul Martinelli, Les Brown, Bob Proctor, Steve Siebold, Marcia Weider, Mary Mann Morrissey, Mark Moffit, Christian Simpson and the creator of this movie, Holli Walker, explain HOW the Law Attraction really works.

People often quote the Bible, the book of Proverbs 23:7 "As a Man Thinketh in his heart so is he." Others quote Napoleon Hill, who wrote the classic book "Think and Grow Rich" in 1937, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Yet, if it's just thinking and believing that makes the difference, why are so many people not getting, or attracting what they want? Why are the attracting more of what they don't want?

That's what makes "Beyond The Secret" and its teachers so special. All those questions you have about this subject, will be answered in Beyond The Secret.

It will begin to make sense and you will be able to apply some of the ideas these experts will share.

Steve and I teach and coach individuals in how to improve the results they are getting in any area of their life they want. We are LifeSuccess Consultants along with Christian, Holli, under the leadership of Bob Proctor and Paul Martinelli.

For information on individual or group coaching, we can be reached at 863-385-3101.

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