Gaining Power through a Master Mind
February 27, 2009 Labels: Master Mind 0 commentsIn the book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill describes a Master Mind as follows: “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”
Several years ago, when I was a Realtor, I was involved in a wonderful master mind with about 8 other Realtors. We would meet about every 6 to 8 weeks in Vero Beach. I drove from Sebring, others came from Pembroke Pines, Tampa, New Smyrna and Melbourne, Florida. We would commit to certain goals, we shared what was working in our business, presented challenges, and discussed a book we had committed to studying. We made sure that we didn’t buy into anyone’s “story” for why something wasn’t happening in their business. It was a great support team.
In addition, I was also involved in a master mind over the phone with a group of Realtors who committed to prospecting using the telephone. We would role- play prospecting and listing presentations, shared our numbers, for example, how many dial ups to talk to a homeowner, how many contacts to a listing appointment, etc.
I give a lot of credit for my success in the business to being part of these master minds.
Tonight we attended our local Sebring Chamber of Commerce banquet at the Quality Inn in Sebring. Our new President, and CEO, Sarah Pallone, along with a team of volunteers, did a wonderful job in putting this banquet together. We visited with some great folks, the food was delicious and the service was great. And we laughed a lot enjoying Dr. Holiday “The Hilarious Hypnotist” who had some of the members do some really funny things.
In his speech, David Noel, the new Chairman for the Chamber, encouraged each of us to work together, to support each other, and he didn’t just mean “shop in Sebring.” He was talking about forming “Master Minds.” Although, he didn’t use those words, that’s exactly what he was describing.
When you get together with a group of individuals and you commit to supporting each other, you share ideas, you expect accountability, and you only discuss what’s possible, your goals, your plans. And something wonderful begins to take place that one cannot really describe.
Andrew Carnegie, (1835-1919) was one of the most successful business tycoons of the 1800s, and one of the most notable philanthropists of all time. He was the founder and owner of the Carnegie Steel Company, which helped him become one of the richest men in the world during the 19th century.
In 1901, he sold his company, Carnegie Steel Company for $400 million ($7.4 billion in today’s dollars.)
Mr. Carnegie attributed his entire fortune to the POWER he accumulated through his MASTER MIND.
What else is there to say? Start a Master Mind today. Keep it simple, just pick up the phone right now or send someone an e-mail and tell them you want to start a Master Mind and would like them to be a part of it. They may have never heard of a Master Mind. You already have enough information from here to tell them what it is. Just tell them that it’s “two or more persons working together in complete harmony toward a mutual goal or goals.”
They can be from your same industry, but it’s not necessary. The key is to have people who are positive, who want to better themselves and/or their companies. You could master mind to study a book. Don’t analyze this too much. Begin one today!
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Quest Study Bible NIV
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